If you are a normal driver who knows nothing about car parts, it's quite possible you'll often visit automotive maintenance outlets to repair automobile troubles for you. Sadly, automobile repair service tricks are quite normal at the moment. So, what are these car repair scams that you should know?
One example is repair estimate scams. This happens if you are unable to ask for a written quotation prior to dropping your automobile to the service center. A unethical auto auto technician can incredibly easily show you you a affordable quotation so you will not have second thoughts about letting them fix your car But once you get back to get your car, you'll be stunned to realize that their repair estimate was not reasonable at all. While this is permissible in some cases, because other problems arise while the car is being repaired, still it's recommended that you get a written estimate so as not to suffer the consequence the moment you get your car. And what's worse, they make you believe that they installed new parts, while the truth is they never used new parts but instead installed used and sub-standard parts.
And last example is maintenance hook schemes. The repair shop advises you to have your car go through preventive maintenance and check-up so as to avoid the same problem. And because they made you believe that these are not expensive, you get easily hooked, only to figure outshortly after that you don't have to pay much for such services.
So, are these scenarios familiar to you?
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